Creedmoor 50 Rd Roll Up Ammo Mat
Creedmoor SportsCreedmoor 50 Rd Roll Up Ammo Mat
The Creedmoor50 Round roll up ammo mat is a convenient way to single load rounds off the bench or off the ground. The roll up mat has2 rows of 25 elastic loops and a nylon strips to secure and protect the bullets. The roll up ammo mat is sized to fit behind the bipod of the rifle and in front of the shooter while in prone on most rifles. Perfect for long range shooters or hand loaders to test new loads. It is an easy way to keep separate loads organized. This is a great long-term solution for taking ammo to the range over bulkyplastic boxes. The back of the mat is made with a sturdy non-slip rubber to holdit in place while loading. Two heavy-duty nylon straps secure the roll when transporting. A heavy-dutycarryhandleon the top perfectlybalances the roll when fully loaded to make carrying it easy.
The loops are made for 30 cal or alike cartridges. You can choose any color 1000 denier Cardura that we offer. Overall case length should not exceed 3.5 inches
Made to order may take 15-20 days to ship.
- 18.5 x8 folded out
- 3 x 3 x8 rolled up