Sierra .30 Cal 169 Gr MatchKing Bullets 500 Ct
SierraSierra .30 Cal 169 Gr MatchKing Bullets 500 Ct
This bullet was designed with one thing in mind, and that was to shoot 1000 yards in a 308 Winchester. To accomplish that, we added length to the boattail and engineered a forgiving tangent ogive with a closed nose. Doing this gave it a .527 BC which keeps it super sonic past 1000 yards in a 308 chamber. This bullet is basically a redesign of the legendary 168MK which we will continue to manufacture. Anyone that enjoys shooting medium to long range with a 308 or even the big magnums will love this bullet.
Diameter: 0.308
Weight: 169 Gr
Sectional Density: 0.254
Ballistic Coefficients and Velocity Ranges: .527 @ 2180 fps and above .505 between 1540 and 2180 fps .445 @ 1540 fps and below
Box Count: 500 Bullets